A Report on Education in the Future Turkey

October 2, 2018

Turkey's Ministry of National Education is working with civil society in order to ensure that the level of satisfaction in Education is increased.
Deputy Minister of National Education, Mustafa Safran, presenting at the ILKE education series in Istanbul, Turkey, on 1 October 2018. Anadolu Agency

The ILKE Association (İlim Kültür Eğitim Derneği) has designed a project called “The Future Turkey.” Within this project, the association intends to draw attention to reports on education, management, foreign policy, economics, and policies in regards to culture and society in Turkey.

Yesterday, the first of these series took place. “Education in the Future Turkey,” which was written by Yusuf Alpaydın, was presented in collaboration with ILKE and the Ministry of National Education (MoNE). Deputy minister Mustafa Saran attended the event and stated that “Education in the Future Turkey” report gives a detailed account on the current education system in Turkey.

According to Deputy Minister Mustafa Saran, Turkey’s biggest problem in education is a practical one. Saran stated, “Do you know where the problem is? In practice. We’ve got difficulty in determining the steps and reflexes that need to be shown to solve problems in practice. This is Turkey’s general discomfort.”

There was an 8-point document released with the report, which highlighted the objectives to be focused on in the future.

  1. An understanding of education that empowers the individual.
  2. Education programs that contain historical and critical thinking.
  3. Schools that provide quality education.
  4. Education leaders based on merit.
  5. Academic staff that is continuously learning.
  6. A local management understanding – allowing schools to further integrate with their local societies.
  7. A fair assessment process and a system to encourage workers in education.
  8. Education institutions with strong corporate communications.

The report not only focused on how to better the education experience for children in Turkey, but also focused on the needs of the educators themselves. By doing so, the MoNE, under the leadership of Ziya Selcuk, has illustrated that it will work closer with teachers, academics, and education staff in order to ensure that quality education is delivered all across the country.

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