From Single-Party Rule to Alliance Politics: 100 Years of Turkish Politics
The divide between society and the elite since Ottoman times has been a dominant feature…
Nebi Miş is the Director of Political Studies at the SETA Foundation. He is also faculty member in the department of Political Sciences and Public Administration, and the Middle East Institute of Sakarya University. Dr. Miş received his BA in International Relations from Sakarya University in 2003, and his MA in 2005. He received his Ph.D. from Sakarya University upon completion of his doctoral thesis titled “Türkiye’de Güvenlikleştirme Siyaseti: 1923-2003” in 2012.
The divide between society and the elite since Ottoman times has been a dominant feature…
Most Turkish voters believe that Erdogan and the AK Party manage the change well, meet…
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