Narratives of Civic Duty: How National Stories Shape Democracy in Asia

August 15, 2023

The bedrock of a democracy's resilience lies in the very element once deemed harmful — national attachments.
Narratives of Civic Duty: How National Stories Shape Democracy in Asia Book cover

Is nationalism detrimental to democracy? The popular narrative would argue so. In her thought-provoking work, Narratives of Civic Duty, Aram Hur of the University of Missouri, uncovers a surprising revelation: the bedrock of a democracy’s resilience lies in the very element once deemed harmful — national attachments.

The prevailing notion of nationalism as a disruptor of democratic processes is meticulously reconsidered by Hur. She contends that nationalism’s alleged illiberal and exclusionary tendencies do not inherently render it antagonistic to democracy.

Instead, the compatibility of nationalism with democracy is intricately linked to the historical rapport between a nation and its democratic governance. Nationalism can play a complex and multifaceted role in a democracy, offering both potential benefits and challenges.

When harnessed in a responsible and inclusive manner, nationalism can contribute positively to various aspects of a democratic society. Hur explains the national theory of civic duty where she posits that the foundation of civic duty, encompassing the intrinsic urge to be an engaged and responsible citizen even when it demands sacrifice, is rooted in “national attachments.”

Contrary to its conventional portrayal as a force marked by intolerance and exclusivity, Hur argues that the impact of nationalism on democracy’s health depends on the historical context of the interconnection between a nation’s people and its democratic establishment, which can catalyze a sense of civic duty, thus augmenting the robustness of democratic systems. However, the dynamic relationship of “national stories,” plays a pivotal role in the success of this notion.

The interpretation of this connection significantly influences whether nationalism contributes positively to democracy’s vigor or presents challenges. Specifically, if these narratives depict a relationship characterized by mutual dedication, nationalism can emerge as a force that empowers democracies by instilling a sense of civic responsibility in the citizenry.

Hur examines civic duty within democratic societies, unraveling the question of why certain individuals feel compelled to engage in acts like voting, paying taxes, or defending their nation. In the heart of every thriving democracy beats the concept of civic duty. It encompasses the responsibilities and obligations that citizens have towards their society and government, beyond their individual interests.

Hur’s exploration spans across different democratic contexts, with a focus on East Asia — particularly South Korea and Taiwan, and challenges conventional wisdom by shedding light on the relationship between nationalism and democracy. This book incisively redefines the narrative surrounding nationalism, asserting that its impact on democracy is not as straightforward as previously thought.

Hur supports her argument with a diverse array of evidence, ranging from compelling personal narratives to comprehensive statistical surveys and even thought-provoking experiments. Through these multifaceted approaches, she constructs a nuanced and compelling national theory of civic duty.

The narrative woven throughout the book offers a fresh perspective on the synergy between nationalism and democracy, challenging readers to reconsider preconceived notions and examine how societies can navigate the intricate landscape of civic engagement.

Narratives of Civic Duty is a paradigm-shifting exploration that challenges us to reimagine the connections between nationalism, civic responsibility, and democracy. Hur’s research equips readers with the tools to ponder the intricate mechanisms that underlie democratic engagement and offers a fresh lens through which we can perceive the foundations of thriving democracies.

Aram Hur, Narratives of Civic Duty: How National Stories Shape Democracy in Asia (Cornell University Press, 2022) ISBN13: 9781501766213, 204 pages

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