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Israeli Forces Kill Nine Palestinians and Injure 20 in Jenin

Read: United Nations Publishes a Groundbreaking Report on Palestine Palestinian, Jordanian, and Israeli reactions The Palestinian Authority (PA) has called for an emergency meeting in Ramallah to discuss the implications of killing nine Palestinians in Jenin, as Mahmoud Abbas, President of the PA, called for lowering the Palestinian flag for three days as a sign of mourning.

Turkey-Egypt Relations: Prospects for Normalization and Challenges Ahead

Read: Will Turkey Delimitate Its Maritime Borders with Egypt and Palestine?At the same time, Egypt, due to its wide borders with eastern Libya, remained indifferent to the formation and development of a homogeneous security apparatus in the Cyrenaica region, the so-called Libyan National Army (LNA) affiliated to Khalifa Haftar, and affiliated itself politically with Aguila Saleh, the head of the Tobruk-based parliament and the related political structure.

How I Experienced War at the Age of 8 in Gaza

Read: Stories Matter, Not Numbers: The Ongoing War on Palestine Surviving guilt Although my family and I survived, my childhood friends whose house was just three meters from the mosque were killed in that airstrike: Tahreer (18), Ekram (15), Samar (13), Dina (8), and Jawaher (4) Ba’alousha.