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What’s Next for Karabakh?

Read: The Tehran Summit: What Is Next for Turkey, Russia, and Iran? How should Azerbaijan's current actions in Karabakh be interpreted? Since 1992, Azerbaijan, with the motto "Karabakh is Azerbaijan!", has been determined to connect Karabakh to its homeland, first through diplomacy and then through military means.

What Is the Place of Libya in Africa?

France's goal of maintaining its presence and influence in the Sahel region, in general, and Operation Barkhane, in particular, has led to its interest and active intervention in Libya, which by virtue of its geographical and demographic elements is a natural part of this region, In fact, France's perception of Turkey's presence in Libya as having a potential impact beyond Libya, for example in North Africa in general or in the Sahel region, is behind France's sharp anti-Turkey moves in its Libya policy.

Challenges and Solutions to Global Food Security in Five Books

Margulis, Shadow Negotiators: How UN Organizations Shape the Rules of World Trade for Food Security (Stanford University Press, 2023) ISBN: 9781503633520, 292 pagesRead: Food Inflation, Global Crisis, and TurkeyUniversal Food Security: How to End Hunger While Protecting the Planet by Glenn Denning explores the path towards a world where hunger and malnutrition are eradicated, and everyone can access healthy and abundant food for a productive life.