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Why DAESH is So Pleasant to Israel

” Committing terrorist acts all across the globe and killing hundreds in Australia, Canada, Kenya, Italy, Yemen, Tunisia, Russia, Malaysia, Bangladesh, the US, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Belgium, Indonesia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Denmark, France, Sweden and Turkey, Daesh apologized to Israel as shots were fired from a territory under its control.

Turkey 2016: Black Dogs and a Vanquished Coup

Iran 1979 The book titled Staging a Revolution: The Art of Persuasion in the Islamic Republic of Iran (2002) edited by Peter Chelkowski and Hamid Dabashi sits comfortably in my personal book collection back in Canada but the content of the book showcases, summarizes and reflects the revolutionary zeal of the time.

Istanbul and Contemporary Islamic Art

 Cities with large art scenes like Toronto, Canada have a number of galleries, journals and magazines (and of course artists) but have little to offer that is radically different in terms of culture, perspective and history.