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DAESH after Mosul

For DAESH’s administrative structure – currently three levels of governance dealing with central organization, inner and outer peripheries – losing Mosul might sever the internal ties necessary for maintaining a hierarchical chain of command.

The End of the Turkish-American ‘Alliance’ after the Failed Coup?

Second, and more critically for Turkish-American relations, there is also a broad agreement, including both right and left wing, conservative and secular journalists in Turkey, that the Gülenists were cultivated and nurtured by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) during the Cold War, both as a staunchly anti-Soviet and pro-American movement, and as an instrument with which to discipline the Turkish state and society while constructing a new kind of “moderate Islam.

The US Army Special Forces in Syria

1st Group is responsible for the Pacific countries (USPACOM area), 3rd Group is active in western Africa (USARAF area), 5th Group in the Arabian Peninsula and Central Asia (CENTCOM area), 7th Group in the Latin American countries (USSOUTHCOM) and 10th Group in Europe (USEUCOM area).