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Kazakhstan: Where Do Turkey and Turkic States Stand?

Read: CSTO Mission in Kazakhstan Will Have Implications for Central Asia Factors affecting Turkey’s approach to the events in Kazakhstan The events in Kazakhstan occurred in a limited time particularly as Kazakhstan is one of the country’s main partners in foreign policy and plays an important role in the Turkic world and Central Asia.

How to Read Russian Expansionism in Africa

 Thus, Russia is turning to countries in Africa with which it had close ties during the Soviet period, especially in North Africa and the Horn of Africa, and has already signed economic and military agreements with Egypt, Algeria, Mauritania, Ethiopia, Mozambique, and the Central African Republic.

Will the United States Contain Russia or China, or Both?

should find a common ground with its longtime NATO ally Turkey especially keeping in mind that Ankara’s relations with the Central Turkic republics - all of which are former Soviet republics - are improving at a fast pace after Azerbaijan liberated Nagorno Karabakh with Turkey’s political and military support.