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Russia’s Lebanese Matryoshka Doll

Read: Russia in the Middle East: From Arms to MercenariesJust like France before it, Russia is trying to deal with Hezbollah separately from Iran, and this is evident from it receiving the Hezbollah delegation in Moscow last month and projecting the idea that Hezbollah can decide on its own without Iranian consent.

Where Does Libya Fit in Biden’s Foreign Policy Priorities?

Policy in Libya The Biden administration’s foreign policy in Libya is focused on counterterrorism and Russia’s growing role there via the presence of mercenaries like the Wagner Group, as well as supporting the new Government of National Unity (GNU) and their mission to hold free and fair elections in December 2021.

Haftar Wants to Drag Turkey into the Libyan Conflict

This accident came amid the escalation of tensions between Turkey and Haftar, and one day after Haftar’s self-style army – the so-called Libyan National Army (composed of local militias and gangs, Salafi Maskhali radical groups and mercenaries from African countries) – threatened to target Turkish ‘strategic targets.