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Libyans Themselves Are Best Suited to Handle Their Problems

France might need to revise its strategy in the Middle East, especially under Emmanuel Macron, considering the tolerating of caricatures that mock Prophet Mohammed and cause offense to Muslims, and Macron decorating Sisi with the Grand Cross of the Legion of Honor in 2020, despite all the allegations made against the Sisi regime and its violations of human rights.

Macron’s “Islamist Separatism” Discourse Is An Islamophobic Hysteria

So, who are the perpetrators of this “separatism?” More importantly, what is the difference between an ordinary Muslim and a separatist Muslim in the eyes of the state? How can one tell a Muslim is not a perpetrator of “separatism”? According to the French president, the separatist Muslims “propose ideas that turn the republic’s values upside-down, disregard gender equality, and even contradict human dignity.