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An Axis of Evil: Why Russia and China Protect Myanmar’s Military Regime

Alongside China, Putin’s Russia has also proven to be a fully reliable veto-protector at the United Nations Security Council when it comes even to non-binding resolutions around the egregious and pervasive human rights crimes of the Myanmar military, from war crimes and crimes against humanity in the ethnic minority regions of Northern and Eastern Myanmar to the full-blown genocide against Rohingyas in Western Myanmar.

Sheikh Jarrah: A Third Palestinian Intifada Is Now a Stone’s Throw Away

If Israel claims that these refugees do not have a right to these houses in Sheikh Jarrah, why does it not allow them to return to the homes stolen from them 73 years ago, some of which are located literally a few blocks away in West Jerusalem?Read: Human Rights Watch: Israel’s Policy Towards the Palestinians is ApartheidThe return of Palestinian refugees is a taboo topic that Israel is not willing to discuss.