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Trade Wars after the G20 Summit

  The unilateralism of the Trump administration, which was expressed through withdrawal from multilateral international regimes and regional organizations, neo-protectionist economic policies and trade wars, triggered widespread perceptions that the major sponsor of the G20 has cut its support to multilateralism.

Russia-NATO war closer than ever?

The recent incident started on Sunday as Kiev argued that its ships were observing international maritime rules in and around the Kerch Strait, a narrow body of water separating the Black and Azov Seasto, while Moscow claimed that Ukraine had not notified Russia in advance of the ships passing and the boats ignored warnings to stop.

Sino-Soviet Split Redux under President Trump?

The default alternative is the continuation of the Cold War alliance structure with slight modifications, where Russia is perceived as an anti-American power that needs to be contained, whereas China continues to be the most favoured nation in economic terms as part of a quasi-appeasement strategy.