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Trade Wars after the G20 Summit

To sum up, American unilateralism, rising tensions between Washington and Moscow in geo-political matters, and trade wars between Washington and Beijing contributed to pessimistic expectations on the eve of the Buenos Aires Summit.

The End of History or the End of Democracy in Austria?

eparting from the Japanese-American political scientist Francis Fukuyama’s contention in his “The End of History” thesis that liberal democracy is the final form of political regime that humanity has achieved so far, it can be inferred that the latest turbulences confronted in recent years in the West, especially in Austria, signalize a crisis in democracy.

Macron’s Censorship Law for Democracy

As can be remembered, during Macron’s presidential campaign, Sputnik and Russia Today alleged that Macron has a so-called “double life,” reporting a series of news alluding that Macron is financed by a wealthy gay lobby and that he has dubious relations with some American banks.

Will Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman attend the G-20 Leaders’ Summit in Argentina?

It is our paramount goal to fully eliminate the threat of terrorism throughout the world!” Having said that, Trump leaves the door open for further investigations as long as these investigations do not hurt American interests: “I understand there are members of Congress who, for political or other reasons, would like to go in a different direction – and they are free to do so.