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Where Does Libya Fit in Biden’s Foreign Policy Priorities?

There is much debate about what this “foreign policy for the middle class” will look like, but you can be sure that the administration will be focusing on ending the “forever wars” and attempting to more substantively pivot away from the Middle East toward Asia and competition with China, a goal that proved elusive during previous administrations.

The Hezbollah Empire in Lebanon and the Assassination of Lokman Slim

Read: The Beirut Port Explosion Is the Chernobyl of the Lebanese Sectarian SystemWhen it comes to motive, Lokman Slim made a career of openly challenging all forms of authority starting with his establishing of UMAM Documentation and Research, an NGO which was concerned with preserving the memories of Lebanon’s 15-year-long civil war, memories which Lebanon’s ruling establishment chose to bury alongside the bodies of its fallen victims.