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An Axis of Evil: Why Russia and China Protect Myanmar’s Military Regime

Geostrategically, Russia has few allies in Asia as India, its former ally, is now increasingly tied to the United States via the Indo-Pacific (military) alliance known as  The Quad, or the US-led Quadrilateral Security Dialogue, an informal strategic alliance of USA, Japan, India and Australia  Therefore, protecting the Myanmar military unconditionally is protecting both Moscow’s pocket and its strategic toehold in mainland Southeast Asia.

An Insider Perspective on the Afghanistan Peace Talks

Colm Quinn, a foreign policy journalist, rightly reports that the letter indicates three ways for future endeavors to bring peace to Afghanistan: to “move matters more fundamentally and quickly” towards peace, holding ministerial-level talks between representatives from Russia, China, Pakistan, Iran, and India together with the United States to discuss a “unified approach”; a senior-level meeting between the Taliban and the Afghan government hosted by Turkey to take place “in the coming weeks”; and a proposal to implement a 90-day reduction in violence intended to prevent a spring offensive by the Taliban.

How the Cross-Border Tribes Living between Afghanistan and Pakistan Impact Regional Politics

Elisabeth Leake, Associate Professor of International History at the University of Leeds, claims that its prominence to British colonial officials made sense in light of their perception of colonial India as the “Jewel in the Crown” of the British Empire, their sensitivity to czarist Russian interventionism in the Great Game, and their conviction that the North-West Frontier Province (NWFP) and neighboring tribal areas should serve as a buffer against any foreign encroachment.

Radicalization and Religion: How It Happens?

The ongoing radicalization of Buddhism in Myanmar or Hinduism in India are highlighting that shift to radicalism that can affect all traditions, not to mention the rise of global Orthodoxy that pursues international projects in contradiction with the international order.