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The Islamic Republic of Iran Forty-Two Years Later: Goals Fulfilled?

Nonetheless, the growing presence of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps in the region, the emergence of Lebanese Hezbollah in the early 1980s with Iran’s full backing, and the unwillingness of some Arab regimes including, but not limited to, Egypt and Saudi Arabia, for a rapprochement with a “revolution-exporting Iran” undermined the prospects for normalization throughout the 1990s.

Early Elections: Where Is Kosovo Heading?

Read: How Turkey and Saudi Arabia Compete in the BalkansThe importance of this potential development for Kosovo cannot be overstated as a (quasi) single-party government can  bring forth a long-awaited political stability that is indispensable for domestic institutional building, advancing reciprocity in negotiations with Serbia, and last but not least, implementing a more coherent and uniform plan in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.