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The Russian Threat Gives NATO New Purpose

Read: China Beware, Russia-Ukraine War Unified EU and NATO As Never Before“If Sweden and Finland join, NATO’s presence and coordination in the Baltic Sea area, as well as more broadly in the Nordic and Arctic, will be strengthened, together with NATO’s defense and deterrence posture,” said Chihaia.

Can the Taliban Deal with their Handicaps?

Read: China-US Rivalries after the Afghan War The Taliban cannot address the elephant in the room Perhaps, the biggest handicap the Taliban faces is their inability to address the elephant in the room: the economic and humanitarian catastrophe unfolding in Afghanistan.

Where Does Central Asia Stand on Russia’s War in Ukraine?

Read: China vs Russia in Central Asia?In reality, however, in launching its military offensive against Ukraine, Russia’s strategic goal should be viewed as follows: further dismemberment of the country—ideally breaking it up into two separate and, perhaps, loosely connected entities based on geographic and ethnic-linguistic principles—and the restoration of a pro-Russian puppet government, potentially led by Ukraine’s former president Viktor Yanukovych who fled to Russia in 2014, which will be completely subordinate to the Kremlin’s will.