25 results found!

Taiwan Votes for Continuity of De Facto Sovereignty

Apart from its global impact, Taiwan's sustainable social and political life based on democratic ideals can be seen as a moral support for the people in the Chinese autonomous regions such as Hong Kong, Xinjiang, and Tibet, and some sections of the Chinese population with democratic tendencies in mainland China in general.

Xi: A Study in Power

Read: Should We Give Up Our Digital Sovereignty to China or the US? Brown assesses the topics with China at the forefront that have had ubiquitous media coverage around the world, such as the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects on Xi’s power, protests in Hong Kong, and the reports of the cruel human rights abuses taking place in the Xinjiang region.

Identified, Tracked, and Profiled: The Politics of Resisting Facial Recognition Technology

He lays out examples, in a penetrating frame, of where and how facial recognition is used that, in turn, provoke the reader to consider the extent of its harms when it is wrongfully used for policing and surveilling, such as monitoring the forced labor of Uyghur workers in the Xinjiang province of China, publicly shaming residents that commit petty jaywalking offenses, or prejudicially profiling an individual.

China vs Russia in Central Asia?

”Read: CSTO Mission in Kazakhstan Will Have Implications for Central AsiaThe SCO’s operation and China’s Central Asia policy should be seen within the framework of China’s domestic security and developmental concerns in Xinjiang, its region-specific interests in Central Asia, and its global foreign policy strategy for prevarication against impending U.