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Europe Plays the Wrong Movie

What started as an “Anti-Erdoğan” policy, especially since the Gezi Park protests, has now turned into a dangerous attitude supporting terror, a fact that should actually horrify the world, yet, tragically, seems as if nobody is aware or feels ashamed of.

The Matter of the Doctorate (PhD) in Turkey

In a statement issued for the commencement of the 2016–2017 academic year, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan emphasized the importance of closing the gaps in the education system, saying, “Turkey ought to close the gaps exploited by treacherous gangs in the education system and move on.

And The Day Came

One major question regarding the failed coup attempt in Turkey on the night of July 15th, 2016 is: why did millions of people flood into the main streets and squares of Turkey to stop the coup when the rebel soldiers declared a curfew, and furthermore started shooting and even bombing the civilians? Was it just because President Erdoğan could reach out to the masses via his Facetime app and deliver his message of "Go to the streets and give them their answer"? Was it a spontaneous call and a spontaneous mass response? I believe and will argue that while the timing and brutality of the coup attempt was unexpected, the possibility of a coup itself was not.