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What is Happening in Kashmir? A Chronology

Whilst Indian-administrated Kashmir was under a tight military curfew after Modi’s presidential decree to revoke its special status along with the applied restrictions, wave of arrests for Kashmiri top figures and activists and the increasing number of injuries, Indian PM Narendra Modi has received the United Arab Emirates’ highest civilian honor during a visit to the capital Abu Dhabi as a move to strengthen the ties among the two countries.

Is Trump’s Maximum Pressure Policy against Iran working?

The declared aim of the pressure was put into 12 tough demands by Pompeo, which required Iran: To, inter alia, permanently and verifiably abandon every single military dimensions of Iran’s nuclear program; to cease “proliferation of ballistic missiles and halt further launching or development of nuclear-capable missile systems”; to quite “its support to Middle East "terrorist" groups, including Hezbollah, Hamas and Islamic Jihad”; to withdraw “all forces under Iran's command throughout the entirety of Syria”; to terminate “the Islamic Revolutionary Guard corps-linked Quds Force's support for "terrorists" and "militant" partners around the world; and to end “its threatening behavior against its neighbors, many of whom are US allies, including its threats to destroy Israel and its firing of missiles at Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, and threats to international shipping and destructive cyberattacks”.