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The End of the Turkish-American ‘Alliance’ after the Failed Coup?

Second, and more critically for Turkish-American relations, there is also a broad agreement, including both right and left wing, conservative and secular journalists in Turkey, that the Gülenists were cultivated and nurtured by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) during the Cold War, both as a staunchly anti-Soviet and pro-American movement, and as an instrument with which to discipline the Turkish state and society while constructing a new kind of “moderate Islam.

The Defender of Democracy: The Turkish People

It did everything to capture positions and titles in various governmental organisations, while disguising itself like a chameleon, as some of its member had lived unacceptable lives from the standpoint of Islam for decades, even though they were in fact adherents of a seemingly very conservative religious organisation.

Ein gescheiterter Putschversuch und die westliche Doppelmoral

Obwohl die FETO sich jahrelang als eine friedliebende, islamisch-geprägte Organisation vorgab und seit 1999 von Gülen aus dem Ausland ferngesteuert wird, erfolgte eine endgültige und schleichende Transformation dieser Gruppierung zu einer nahezu geheimen, messianischen Bewegung, die den türkischen Staat in all ihren Strukturen zu unterwandern bezweckte.

Turkey and Egypt: Towards a Normalization?

The Egyptian Foreign Minister’s visit to Turkey during the Organization of Islamic Cooperation summit last month was an indicator of Sisi’s position—the minister only stayed for a couple of hours in Turkey, and left without conducting any diplomatic meetings with his counterpart.

The 2016 Elections in Iran

Firstly, the elections were held to determine not only the 290 members of the Islamic Consultative Assembly, otherwise known as the Iranian Parliament, who serve four years but also the 88 clerics of the Assembly of Experts, a critical body of the power structure in Iran, who are also popularly elected for an eight-year term.