209 results found!

Nobel Peace Prize Should Have Gone to…

Is anyone familiar with the LRA, which operates in Uganda, South Sudan, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and which has the aim of establishing a theocratic Christian state? They cut people’s limbs using the machetes they accept as sacred and introduce the children they abduct to their violent activities by forcing them to slice their families.

The Unknown Side of Boko Haram: How a Salafi Group Spread in Historically Sufi Northern Nigeria

It is true that widespread poverty leaves millions of people impoverished; economic inequality and weak political structures trigger ethno-religious conflicts and violence between the Christian dominated South and the Muslim dominated North; epidemic corruption wipes out the country's development; and the poor education system fails to transform northern Nigeria through the education of new generations.

Coups of TIME

The New York-based magazine registered as TIME started to be published weekly in 1923, later spreading to Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia, South Pacific and South America over the years.