553 results found!

Why Did the United States Add Israel to CENTCOM?

On its website, deterring the Islamic Republic is listed by CENTCOM as its number one priority followed by supporting a political resolution in Afghanistan; “maintaining Defeat-ISIS Campaign in Syria and Iraq;” “Countering the UAS Threat” and “Weaponization of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) and Refugees.

The Insurrection and Its Discontents: American Exceptionalism Revisited

From the genocide of the Native Americans, to the enslaving of millions of Africans, to the never-ending interventions in South America - starting with the Monroe doctrine of 1823 - all the way to the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan, American exceptionalism has always served the purpose of reinforcing the notion that America possesses a moral, divine right to do as it pleases for the betterment of mankind.

A Turkish-Italian Alliance on Libya?

The emergence of Daesh in Iraq and Syria has shown that the evolution of terrorism not only undermined state institutions in the region but also attempted to substitute them with proxy state-like institutions — even if the international community did not recognize them.