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Should Turkey be Optimistic About Trump’s Presidency?

” Kobach’s proposal has confirmed fears among many Americans – from Hispanics, to African-Americans, to Muslims and a host of Christian and Jewish groups – that the bellicose talk that characterized Trump’s campaign might be more than just political pandering for votes, that the man may intend to do exactly what he promised to do, as soon as he is sworn in as President.

DAESH after Mosul

DAESH is employing defense and offense in three geographical regions: the innermost circle, consisting of Iraq and Syria, the inner circle, which encompasses the Middle East and Northern Africa, and the outer circle, comprised of the US, Europe and Asia.

The US Army Special Forces in Syria

1st Group is responsible for the Pacific countries (USPACOM area), 3rd Group is active in western Africa (USARAF area), 5th Group in the Arabian Peninsula and Central Asia (CENTCOM area), 7th Group in the Latin American countries (USSOUTHCOM) and 10th Group in Europe (USEUCOM area).

Who Has the Right to Make a Constitution?

Especially in developing nations in Africa and elsewhere, however, there are experimental attempts to place the initiative in the hands of citizens and to create an open constitutional conversation in which the public partakes in agenda-setting, content writing and ratification processes.