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European Double Standards on Venezuela

Germany, together with some other European states, had set Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro 8 days to call new elections or that the German government was ready to recognize the opposition’s leader, Juan Guaido, as the interim president.

Decolonizing African Art: Colonial Heritage and European Museums’ Gordian Knot

Before you admire and appreciate the exquisite aesthetics of the many artefacts and objects of African origin in these grandeur European museums, ask yourself why are they here in the first place? And where do they belong to? On November 27 this year, the Senegalese economist Felwine Sarr and French art historian Benedicte Savoy of College de France, published their highly anticipated report on African arts and artefacts housed in European museums in a book titled ‘‘Restoring Africa’s Heritage.

A Divided Europe and Turkey

elations between Turkey and Europe were already strained and policies adopted by several European countries in regards to the July 15 coup attempt led to more of a crisis between Ankara and the western bloc.