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French Secularism: Towards Republican Authoritarianism?

Due to political factors, including the terror attacks that happened in France over the past two years, the French state, as noted by Yasser Louati in ‘Islamophobia in France,’ “in addition to the systematic backlash from ordinary people and the hysteric news coverage,” has “engaged in a brutal counterterror campaign that deliberately targets Muslims.

A Pending Threat for the West: Foreign Fighters in the YPG

The reason for this is because the general structure of society in the West makes it more vulnerable to non-religious extremism – as Muslims in the West only form a minority of society in comparison to other secular groups, while Daesh may have to convert an individual firstly from their origins in order to advertise its belief, radical leftists can directly work on ideological indoctrination.

US judges the violation of self-imposed sanctions

The jurors who were selected for Atilla’s trial were asked to confirm if they had any links with the persons or organizations mentioned in the defense, prosecution and indictment as well as whether they had any positive or negative thoughts towards Muslims, Turkish and Iranian citizens.

“Butcher of Bosnia” jailed for life

According to the tribunal, Mladic “significantly contributed” to genocide committed in Srebrenica with the goal of destroying its Muslim population, “personally directed” the bombardment of Sarajevo and was part of a “joint criminal enterprise” aimed at purging Bosnian Muslims and Catholic Croats from Bosnia.